How to deposit a document

Last updated: 21-10-2021

Open the deposit interface

  • Log in on SONAR
  • Click on the button "Deposit a publication" in the header

If you don't see this button:

  • Maybe you are not registered in your institution. Ask your administrator for the right to deposit a publication.
  • Maybe you have a higher role (moderator, administrator). In this case, open the administration interface and click on "Deposits > Deposit a publication".

Step 1: Upload your file(s)

For text documents, use preferably the PDF format.

Step 2: Document metadata

The step 2 contains the document metadata. It is possible to:

  1. Enter the data manually
  2. Import the data from PDF uploaded in step 1
    • Click on "Import metadata > Analyze uploaded PDF"
    • This process retrieves fields like title, abstract, authors and corresponding affiliations, etc. but it does not guarantee 100% accuracy in all cases, it strongly depends on how contents are coded within the PDF.
    • Complete or correct manually the extracted data.
  3. Import the data from swisscovery
    • Search your document by the chosen criteria.
    • To be sure to get a precise record, use the ID swisscovery (MARC 001). This is the numerical section at the end of a swisscovery permalink:

Other metadata import methods are being prepared.

Step 3: Contributors

Enter or correct the data about the authors and contributors of the document. Ideally, enter an ORCID to be sure to uniquely identify a person.

If there is no contributors, you can remove the section and go to the next step.

Step 4: Projects

Eventually link the document to a research project in the context of which it was published. There it is possible to:

  • Look for the name of a project already entered in SONAR
  • Add a new project

Step 5: Diffusion

If you are a submitter, your submission will be validated by a moderator, to ensure that data is entered completely and correctly.

When you submit a document on SONAR, you must ensure that

  • the document's authors allow it to be visible in SONAR
  • the publication on SONAR does not infringe third party copyrights, especially publisher's copyright

Currently, more than two thirds of all scientific journals allow authors to archive a preprint or postprint version of the articles they publish. The "Sherpa Romeo" site lists in detail the conditions of a large number of publishers. The local head of your organisation and the moderators should also be able to provide assistance in this matter.