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Bachelor thesis

How do companies in Switzerland manage an ageing workforce


109 p.

Mémoire de bachelor: Haute école de gestion de Genève, 2017

English The ageing population phenomenon is of common knowledge in present times, as it has been bringing challenges to the society on both financial and managerial perspectives - respectively touching the matters of pensions and in organizations’ management of their human resources (Christin, Fleury, Huguenin, Murier, Oetliker and Rausa, 2012). In Switzerland, population ageing is more remarkable among the Swiss population than it is among the foreign residents of the country (24 Heures, 2016). Moreover, international immigration plays an important role in the overall ageing of the country, with large amounts of older workers that arrived in the Swiss labour market over the past few years (Secrétariat d'Etat à l'économie SECO, 2016). Although Switzerland presents a very low level of unemployment for its senior population compared to other European countries (OCDE, 2014), the unemployment of seniors - along with their under-employment - remain a source of preoccupation. In fact, seniors are often disadvantaged on the labour market when searching for a job, in particular on the basis of myths and ideas that paint seniors in such way that prevents them from finding employment opportunities (Temps Présent, 2017). Previsions with regards to the labour market however demonstrate a strong expected increase in the labour force participation of older workers, which requires organizations to have an adequate structure of age management measures in place in order to be able to face the challenges that come with such an evolution (Christin, Fleury, Huguenin, Murier, Oetliker and Rausa, 2012). A field research involving organizations active in different domains of activity - such as higher education, retail, and banking - was thus conducted for evaluating the situation of Switzerland with regards to the age management practices of its companies. Findings from this research show that Switzerland has a rather good base in terms of age management measures in place in organizations, - in particular on the matter of training. However, more age management initiatives need to be taken over the next few years, to ensure that companies are prepared to face a retirement wave of baby-boomers and the expected evolution in seniors’ labour force participation.
  • English
  • Haute école de gestion Genève
  • International Business Management
  • hesso:hegge
License undefined
  • RERO DOC 306016
  • RERO R008735920
Persistent URL

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