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Bachelor thesis

The perception of entomophagy in Geneva and the opportunity for business



Mémoire de bachelor: Haute école de gestion de Genève, 2019

English Edible insects for human consumption have been legalised in Switzerland in May 2017. The United Nations believe that entomophagy should be exploited as the food of the future. Since commercialisation of bugs is quite new in the county and the market is still a niche, there may be great businesses opportunities to explore. This research provides an analysis of the perception of entomophagy and how it would be received as an alternative diet in Geneva. The objective is to make recommendations on how to introduce this alimentation of the future to the population in order to try and expand entomophagy as a successful business. The methods used for the research include data collection through two sensory analyses composed of one blind sensory experiment and one sensory experiment run after a session of information on the benefits of entomophagy. Data is also collected through a free word association. The results are analysed with t-test statistics, and frequency tables. The aim of this research method is to understand how insects for food are perceived and whether there is a preconception bias. After analysing the demand side of entomophagy, a short interview with a Swiss company selling insect-based food products gives some insights about the supply side and the opportunities. The results of the analyses show that the targeted population is not fond of entomophagy; when asked about their perception of insects for food, seventy percent of the sample relates to it as disgusting. However, the sensory experiments show a positive potential for the introduction of the practice. Indeed, the comments provided in the free word description show almost no sign of discrimination and the changes in means aren’t significantly different from the blind to the non-blind sensory experiment. Nonetheless, there is a high volatility in the responses provided on the non-blind test in terms of overall liking scale. This result can be explained by a too small sample. The interview with the Swiss company shows that there is a rise in the market size, and the decrease in prices over time makes the business accessible to a broader public. The recommendation that arise from the analysis is that, as Essento Food SA understood well, the market for insect-based food products is still very niche and there is a big opportunity to explore. More assertive and complete analyses should be run in order to confirm the viability of such business. It is important to keep in mind that the practice is novel for the population so extensive research are needed before starting a business.
  • English
  • Haute école de gestion Genève
  • International Business Management
  • hesso:hegge
License undefined
  • RERO DOC 327893
Persistent URL

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