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Bachelor thesis

Impacts of the technology on the workforce in the banking industry in Switzerland


74 p.

Mémoire de bachelor: Haute école de gestion de Genève, 2020

English This research intends to understand the current environment of banks in Switzerland including the regulatory changes, the arrival of aggressive competitors and the changes in the clients’ consumption patterns. These ongoing changes have enforced banks to reinvent themselves by leveraging digital. This study is examining the direct impacts of the exploitation of technology on the workforce and the way the Human Resources department could act as a support to the company and the employees to face the technological evolution. Given that the successful exploitation of the technology depends on the capabilities of the workforce, they should be supported to enable the banks to undertake their digital reinvention. Thus, the Human Resources department of banks play a key role to make the digital reinvention a reality. Thus, this paper intends to inventory the threats and opportunities that Human Resources may face in times of digitalization and will try to help the HR to leverage these challenges. A descriptive roadmap has been reflected to constitute a working base for the HR specialists within banks. This roadmap is composed of five major steps including the approach definition, the capability audit of the bank, the building of the needed capabilities, their monitoring and the continuous improvement of the human capital management. Moreover, the research reveals that some banking job positions will disappear in the long run, a major part will be transformed and some others are about emerging. As a result, the employees are required to always have more specific soft and hard skills. Employees need to be made aware of these changes and encouraged to grow in their capabilities if they are willing to continue acting as the innovation enablers of banks in the future. On the other hand, the Human Resources are encouraged to consider the workforce as the most important strategic advantage of the banks. The HR needs to build a human capital provided with self-learning, problem solving skills, digital and innovative spirit. In other words, the HR department is becoming an important player in the capability building of banks. Thus, one of the main purposes of this research paper is to formulate some relevant recommendations to the HR enabling them to build the long- term capabilities of the banks and manage their most precious assets: the human capital.
  • English
  • Haute école de gestion Genève
  • International Business Management
  • hesso:hegge
License undefined
  • RERO DOC 329858
Persistent URL

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