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Bachelor thesis

Spain and Switzerland: observation of the management of the Covid-19 crisis and its economic impact


105 p.

Mémoire de bachelor: Haute école de gestion de Genève, 2021

English Under normal conditions, economies go through boom-and-bust cycles. Covid-19 highlighted the problem of uncertainty in the economy that authors such as Frank Knight have proposed, particularly the unpredictable nature of economic systems. It is in this aspect that the analysis of the phenomenon is of particular interest, with the aim of understanding the repercussions that the response, in the form of economic policy, has had on the productive fabric and the labour market in Spain and Switzerland. Indeed, the labour market and the productive fabric are fundamental pillars of the economic and social structure of a country, due to their contribution to economic growth, full employment, income and wealth redistribution and social and territorial cohesion. Just as these elements are part of the welfare state, so have health issues been included since the mid-20th century. Governments in both Spain and Switzerland have therefore developed strategies to get through this period of health crisis, while trying to preserve their economic system. They face and will face several challenges and opportunities. Each state is aware of the deficiencies and virtues of its economic structure. It is thanks to this knowledge, and depending on its health situation, that it can take decisions in the short, medium, and long term. After the Covid-19 crisis, aiming at it to be temporary, there are several structural challenges that the States must face. It is therefore necessary to find appropriate responses to them and, on the other hand, to define policies that will enable them to seize the opportunities that also arise.
  • English
  • Haute école de gestion Genève
  • Economie d'entreprise
  • hesso:hegge
License undefined
  • RERO DOC 333536
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