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Bachelor thesis

Conception of a small reflectometer to measure the reflectance spectrum of the iris


Mémoire de diplôme HES: Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie, 2007

English Optical research is a domain which has made great progress. For example, at the beginning of February 2008, an artificial implant was fixed on the retina of a blind patient in Geneva, Switzerland. With this microelectronical device, this patient will be able to recover elementary vision. But the research is still in development. The eye is a very complicated organ which will give further information through new optical and biological studies. The aim of this project is to know more about the iris and its properties especially with the iris reflectance caused by the melanin. This pigment concentration in the different layers of the iris gives the commonly called "color of the eye". An optical system has been developped around a spectrometer to measure the reflectance spectrum of the iris. This compact system uses a combination of leds for the illumination and a USB4000 spectrometer working with a spectral measurement software running on an Apple laptop.
  • English
  • Lieu d'exécution: Blekinge Institute of Technology, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Karlskrona, Suède, François
  • Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie Valais
  • Systèmes industriels - Systemtechnik
  • Power and Control
  • hesso:heivs
License undefined
  • RERO DOC 10801
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